Laboratory for Bioproduction and Machinery 

Veris soil sensor

The Veris sensor, mounted to a tractor Kubota, was driven across the study area as part of a continuous on-the-go data collection process. The U3 soil scanner was designed to measure three important soil properties EC, pH, and Soil Infrared (IR) sensing in the top-soil. The EC measurement was done by passing an electric current between two pairs of discs that were placed in the soil. This sensor, which measures bulk EC, differs from la-boratory-measured soil EC methods, such as saturated paste extracts. Bulk EC sensors provide measurements that reflect the electrical conductivity of the entire soil matrix, cap-turing variations in soil properties at a larger scale. For measuring IR, the scanner used an optical sensor that worked in red and near-infrared wavelengths. In our study, soil sensing utilizing the Veris sensor was conducted both before and after fertilization to evaluate soil parameters.




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