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  2. Faculty Members

Faculty Members

  • 全件表示
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences


  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor ABE Harue

Forest Ecology, Island Biogeography
Studies on the forest dynamics based on genetic and ecological approachesDetails of Researcher
  • Food Science Program

Assistant Professor AKAZAWA Takashi

Food protein functionality, Food processing
Improvement of food texture, Studies on bioactive peptides derived from food proteinsDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor AODA Tadao

Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Soil Physics
Soil Physical analysis to improve plant growth
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  • Applied Life Science Program

Assistant Professor ASILOGLU M.Rasit 

Protists, Microbial ecology, Soil science, Plant science, Terrestial ecology
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  • Food Science Program

Professor FUJIMURA Shinobu

Animal Nutrition
1: Nutrition and metabolism, 2: Regulation of meat quality by dietary amino acids, 3: Quality assay of food taste Details of Researcher
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor FUKAI Eigo

Plant Breeding
Genetic diversity and plant breeding
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Assistant Professor FURUZAWA Shinichi

Agricultural Economics
Studies on management of agricultural resources and community business
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Professor GONDA Yutaka

Erosion Control Engineering
Study on behaviour of debris flow on the debris flow breaker
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor HAN Dong-Sheng

Horticultural Science
Study on utilization of organic matter in vegetable
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  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program

Associate Professor HARA Takashi

Functional Food Science
Studies on the bioregulatory function of food-derived factors
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  • Applied Life Science Program

Professor HARADA Naoki

Enviromental soil science and soil Microbiology
Studies in various functions of soil microorganisms, Bioremediation of persistent substances, Dynamics of radionuclides in farmland
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Professor HASEGAWA Hideo

Biological and Mechanical Engineering
Energy and Environmental Education
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Assistant Professor HIMI Makoto

Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics Studies on rural labor market and agricultural structure
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  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program

Professor HIRATA Dai

Zymurgy for Healthy Aging, Yeast Genetics, Molecular Cell Biology, Sakeology Studies on Healthy Aging and Sake Brewing using the Yeast
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor HONMA Kosuke

Forest Ecology
Plant community dynamics under stress and heavy disturbance
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Associate Professor INABA Kazunari

On the mechanism of landslide generation, especially the relationship with groundwater
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor ITANO Shiro

Grassland Ecology
Studies on structures and dynamics of grassland ecosystems, Behavioral analysis of grazing animals
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Assistant Professor ITO Ryoji

Agricultural Economics
Economic structure of food industry, relation between local agricultural commodities processing industry and the agricultural materials market
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  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program

Professor ITOH Kimiko

Plant Molecular Biology, Applied Glycoscience
Study of thermoresponsive post translational modifier in rice, Improvement of starch structure and physicochemical properties in rice
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  • Food Science Program

Professor JOH Toshio

Food Biochemistry
Studies on functional components in food materials, Biosynthetic mechanism of flavor components in plant food materials
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Professor KAJIMOTO Takuya

Studies on tree growth, forest dynamics and plantation management
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor KIMINAMI Lily

Agricultural Economics
Studies on labor migration, international trade, poverty reduction, environment and gender issues under the process of economic developmentDetails of Researcher
  • Food Science Program

Professor KITAOKA Motomitsu

Food Enzymology, Food Engineering
Studies on practical enzymatic productions of oligosaccharidesDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Associate Professor MIKAME Keigo

Refinery and utilization of plant biomass componentsDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor MINATO Nami

Plant Breeding
Plant Pathology, Plant Protection Science
Molecular basis of plant-virus-vector interactions; Plant defense responses to viruses and vector insects
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor MIYAZU Susumu

Agricultural Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Study on sustainable agricultural water use and control method
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor MORIGUCHI Yoshinari

Forest Genetics, Tree Breeding
Genetic studies for the management and conservation of forest tree species, Studies on forest tree improvement and seed production for afforestationDetails of Researcher
  • Food Science Program

Associate Professor MOTONAGA Yoshitaka

Bioinformation and Food Engineering
Fundamental study on the quality control of food and agricultural products by using optical sensing and image processingDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor MURAKAMI Takuhiko

Forest Mensuration, Remote Sensing
Application of spatial geoinformation to forest and agricultural landscapes at broad scales
>Web Site
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Assistant Professor NAGAHASHI Toru

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  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor NAGANO Hirohiko

Terrestrial Environmental Dynamics
Interactions between biogeochemical dynamics and environmental changes in terrestrial ecosystems
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  • Food Science Program

Associate Professor NAKAI Hiroyuki

Food Glycoscience
Screening and characterization of novel carbohydrate active enzymes, chemoenzymeatic synthesis of functional oligosaccharidesDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor NAKANO Masaru

Horticultural Science and Plant Breeding Science
Breeding of flower crops via wide hybridization and genetic transformation
>Web Site
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor NATSUKAWA Haruki

Studies on the ecology of raptorsDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor NISHII Ryoko

Mass movement (landslides) in mountain areasDetails of Researcher
  • Food Science Program

Professor NISHIUMI Tadayuki

Animal Food Science
Studies on the structure and function of animal foods, High-pressure bioscience and food science
>Web Site
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  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor NITTA Masayuki

Regional planning, Environmental and rural planning, Nature-friendly engineering
Regional planning for sustainabile resource management by rural communities, Environmental assessment, waterfront design
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Associate Professor OHASHI Shintaroh

Agricultural Environmental Engineering
Local revitalization by alternative energy in agricultural production
>Web Site
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  • Applied Life Science Program

Professor OHTAKE Norikuni

Plant Nutrition
Analysis of regulatory mechanism of soybean seed storage protein accumulation
>Web Site
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Assistant Professor OKADA Moeko

Plant Genetics
Genetics and Genomics of Wheat and Its Wild Relatives
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor OKAMOTO Satoru

Crop physiology, Molecular biology
Regulation of allocation and metabolism of photoassimilates and environmental stress tolerance through organ-organ communication
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Assistant Professor OTANI Masahiro

Horticultural Science, Plant Cell Engineeing
Breeding of horticultural plants via genetic transformation, Analysis of molecular mechanism of horticultural traits in plants.
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor SAITO Yoshito

Agriculture Science, Agricultural environmental engineering and agricultural information engineeringDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Professor SAKATA Yasuyo

Rural Planning and Agricultural Engineering
Development of land use planning techniques in rural areasDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Associate Professor SANO Yoshitaka

Plant Pathology
Etiology and molecular biology of plant virusesDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program

Professor SATO Tsutomu

Bioorganic Chemistry
Studies on the biosynthesis of natural products
>Web Site
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Professor SEKIJIMA Tsuneo

Animal Ecology
Evolution of hibernation in mammalsDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Assistant Professor SHIBATA Rei

Forest Ecology, Ecosystem Services
Sustainable forest management based on forest ecology, Assessment of ecosystem servicesDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program

Professor SUEYOSHI Kuni

Plant Nutrition
Studies on the regulation of nitrate uptake and assimilation in higher plants
>Web Site
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  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program

Associate Professor SUGIMOTO Hayuki

Applied Microbiology, Protein Science
Studies on the structural stability and folding of microbial proteins, Development of a novel calorimetric method for analyzing microbial activities Details of Researcher
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor SUGIYAMA Toshie

Animal Science, Animal Histochemistry and Cytochemistry.
Calcium metabolism and bone function in animals. Details of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Food Science Program

Professor SUZUKI Kazushi

Studies on mechanism of gene expression regulation by small RNA and RNA binding protein in bacteria

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  • Applied Life Science Program

Associate Professor Suzuki Kazuki

Soil biology, Soil science, Microbial ecology
Studies in Mechanisms of soil microbial community formation, Ecosystem analysis using environmental DNA, Plant-microbe interactions

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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry

Professor SUZUKI Tetsuya

Agricultural Engineering, Material Engineering Development of non-destructive testing method for damage evaluation in service structures
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  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor TAKATSU Kunio

animal ecology
Studies on (1) how individuals changes their phenotypes in response to envirionmental conditions and (2) how those changes affect ecological interactions
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  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor TOYODA Mitsuyo

Environmental Philosophy, Public Participation
Design of participatory and collaborative processes for ecological sustainability
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  • Food Science Program

Associate Professor TSUTSUURA Satomi

Environmental Philosophy, Public Participation
Design of participatory and collaborative processes for ecological sustainability
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  • Applied Life Science Program

Assistant Professor UEDA Daijiro

Bioorganic Chemistry
Studies on the biosynthesis of natural products
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  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor WHITAKER Andrew

Watershed Hydrology
Hydrological processes and sediment transport in snowy forested mountain basins
>Web Site
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  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor YAMASAKI Masanori

Environmental Science, Agriculture Science, Science in plant genetics and breeding, Plant Genetics and BreedingDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor YAMADA Takahisa

Animal Genetics
Genome research in livestock and wild animalsDetails of Researcher
  • Applied Life Science Program
  • Program of Agriculture and Bioresources

Professor YAMASHIRO Hideaki

Animal Reproduction
Gametes and Fertilization biologyDetails of Researcher
  • Program of Environmental Science for Agriculture and Forestry
  • Program of Field Research in the Environmental Sciences

Professor YOSHIKAWA Natsuki

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Engineering
Development of Paddy Field Dam technology and evaluation of its effect, Development of a simplified method using GIS for land readjustment planning in sloped agricultural land
>Web Site
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Fellow/Adjunct faculty members

FellowOKAZAKI Keiichi
FellowMIGUCHI Hideo
FellowMITSUI Toshiaki
FellowNAKATA Makoto
Appointed AssistantFURUKORI Norihiro

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